Sunday, April 28, 2013

Painting Panther G (part_1)

Base color  "AK 713"

For beginning I apply the grey primer from Vallejo (74.601). For camo pattern I used AKs German Late War Colors.

After 3 thin layers of basic color , i apply faiding whith "AK 714".

In the end I used the other two colors, green "AK 715" and brown "AK 717" for the camouflage

Monday, April 22, 2013

Darken Friulmodel tracks with Goldsmiths liquid.

For cleaning I used vinegar and left them for 30' and after scrubbed them with a toothbrush.
Then I dissolve the liquid into water in 1:3. I place the tracks vertically (photo below) for 7'and then rubbing them with toothbrush (between the treads and the grooves).

Thereafter, clean with tap water and rub the tracks again (because this fluid is not already dilute such as those of  trade and leave a yellow precipitate to the tracks).

Dried now and ready for dusting and roughcasted according to your tastes.

I used the liquid that Goldsmiths use for darken their metals.